Private Cooking

The Essence of Cooking Exclusively

Private cooking by Iosif is not just your standard procedure of putting together a private meal. Firstly, Iosif will take the time to discuss all your needs and your palate’s desires before creating your menu, tailor-made to fit your vision and tastes to the last detail. Then, along with his dedicated team, he will handpick the finest ingredients, with the highest standards of quality and flavour in mind. In the heart of his every dish lies the superb taste of organic ingredients. His mission is to reveal the pure delight that creative traditional cuisine can offer to the palate. In other words, an inventive approach that redefines breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Now, everything is in place for the preparation of your very own private cooking experience- an attentive, discreet, and above all, delightful happening      to look forward to!

Creating with the Finest Ingredients  

The warm smile and attention to detail are what made his private cooking services so discernible and has led him to cook privately for a world-famous clientele, including businesspeople, famous athletes and royalty. Respect for each individual’s dietary needs, the deep understanding of taste and ingredients and his time-honoured experience are the keys to his success; the rave reviews we have received attest to that! Details are what truly matters, and for Iosif and his team, every single detail matters!

The secret 
ingredient is love.

The Menus

Menu Degustation 1

Menu Degustation 2

Menu Degustation 3

Private Cooking Delights

Quality is not an act,
it is a habit.